Sunday, February 22, 2009

Lindt Chocolates

My first post just HAS to be about chocolate - how could it not be?!? I received a FANTASTIC box of chocolates for Valentine's Day, and I just cannot get enough of them... Lindt Lindor truffle balls, or whatever their official names are. The red ones are the best. They are all quite good, but I find that the key to eating them is to not fix & match. You MUST eat them by color (i.e. flavor) or it completely diminishes their goodness. So everyday since the magical Valentine's Day, when I come home, I pick a color and eat - so, today is pink day, yesterday was green, etc.

They are MAGICAL in their goodness.

The other important item to note is the blue Stracciatella. Now, I had bought a bag a Christmas time. I didn't really like them back them. They have completely grown on me now - I am transfixed on their creamy white chocolate-y goodness this time around. They really do keep me wanting more. I can't quite put my finger on it, but these babies have me hooked. Go pick yourself up a bag today!

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